Short documentary. This is the story of Nadia and Mamba, a refugee couple from Burundi pursuing their dream of bringing African food to the heart of Detroit. After being forced to flee their home because of Nadia’s human rights activism, the couple and their twin daughters started a new life in the United States. As Nadia developed a talent for cooking, Mamba joined her to become Detroit’s first East African restaurateurs…and together build their own American Dream.
Commissioned by Michael Bloomberg’s Partnership for a New American Economy. Featured on Forbes and Detroit Is It.
Since filming the documentary, Nadia and Mamba’s restaurant, Baobab Fare, has opened in Detroit to incredible success and rave reviews. They were nominated in 2022 for a James Beard Award, ranked #1 best restaurant in Detroit on Yelp, and were named one of the top 10 best restaurants in the US by Eater.
Winner, Best Documentary: Mitten Made Short Film Festival
Official Selection: JAYU Human Rights Film Festival, Great Lakes State Film Festival, Toronto Food Film Festival, MECCAcon International Film Festival, African World Film Festival, Open Projector Night Detroit, Short Film Block Party
Director: Michael Steves Executive Producer: Lucas San Juan Director of Photography: Adam Rock